Longkong Lanzones

Longkong Lanzones from Thailand is the most expensive fruit in the world today. Its price ranges from P350 to P600 per kilo, so much higher than our local Paete Lanzones which costs only P60 to P100 per kilo.
A bunch of seedless, sweet and latex-free Longkong fruit weighs 1/2 to 2 kilos. This variety can be grown locally as proven by those who planted several years ago.

Durian Fruit Tree (Durio zibethinus)


Durian (Durio zibethinus) is an attractive
evergreen tree with pyramidal to dome shape form. If grown from seedling, it can grow up to 45 meters in height while from cultivars the maximum height can be up to 15 meters. Its fruit is generally believed to have an aphrodisiac effect, which adds to its popularity among Asians.

Luz Calamansi

The Luz calamansi is a fast grower, prolific and is much juicier than the native variety. Moreover, it has only two seeds compared to native calamansi which has 12 seeds. The Luz calamansi variety is ideal for container growing and bears fruits continuously throughout the year.

Abiu (Pouteria caimito) Fruit Tree

The Abiu, botanically known as Pouteria cainito, was introduced in the Philippines several years ago but it is still rare. A relative of the tiessa, it looks somewhat like tiessa on the outside but the flesh is more like that of the caimito.
It is sweet, especially the fruits during the dry season, and usually has one or two seeds. It is a native of South America but was introduced into the country via Australia where it is also grown.
There are also some which are being grown in Malaysia. The fruits are quite variable. Some are very round while others have pointed ends. Grafted trees bear fruit in a year or two, depending on the size.

Eight Ways to Get Rid of Aphids Naturally

Is it important to get rid of aphids and insect pests in your garden? Aphids have sharp mouths that pierce plant tissue allowing them to feed off plant sap. They subsequently secrete a sugary honeydew over leaves (this unfortunately attracts ants that happen to love eating the sap). They may attack all parts of the plant but new, vulnerable growth is their preference. Most problematic, some aphids can transmit viruses to other plants in your garden -- causing a variety of problems overall .
Here are tactics for removing aphids from your plants and garden organically: